
"Not so easily was I remade as made. He spoke and all things were made. But while he made me simply and at once by a word, he has in the remaking of me said many words, and worked wonders and suffered much." (St. Bernard)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Faces of Ahuano

Matt and I had a really great week. As we approach Padre's final day here in Ahuano, we are definitely spending more time with him, helping him as he prepares to leave. It has been a joyful week, full of many Baptisms (~30), a marriage, a celebration of the La Virgen del Huayco, and tons of masses. We visited with several different families, bringing the Word of God into people's homes.
I wanted to include in my blog update some of the many people we have come to know.

Sisa and I goofing around.

Belén and I... ¡Qué linda!

 Padre José celebrating a marriage. May God bless them abundantly.

At a mass celebrating La Virgen del Hauyco. Here is a statue of Mary with the child Jesús.

Celebrating the Feast of the Virgen of Huayco in the community Colonia Bolívar. Before mass, Matt and I lead the rosary and gave a reflection on La Virgen del Huayco. Such a beautiful night!

From left to right: Marci's mom, myself, Tammy, Matt, Helen, María Cristina
Some of our youth guys: Cristian, Nicolas, and Jefferson 

I can't believe that Matt and I have been here almost 8 months. It is moving so quick. This week we receive one of the new priests to Ahuano. We are so excited for this new opportunity to share the Gospel with another of our brothers in Christ and are hopeful for the blessings that will come from the hands of this servant of God. Pray for us, that the hearts of the people and ours will be open for the reception of the new priest. Pray that his own heart will allow Christ's love to penetrate. Peace and blessings to each of you.

Give them heaven!
Misionero Ryan

1 comment:

  1. Your blog shows great wisdom! Keep giving them Heaven! I pray for all FMC Missionaries everyday.
