For as long as the world has been around, even it, is passing away. How incredible is the love of our God and Creator that all we have to do, is His will, and we shall remain forever. Is it so difficult to do His will?
As I read the book, Abandonment to Divine Providence, I am beginning to understand more the simplicity of doing His Holy will. He has a plan for us in each moment wherever we are in our state of life, from the most difficult to the most joyful to the most mundane. It is in every moment, most especially in the countless monotonous moments, where we must persevere in seeking to do His Holy will. And 'if we do our part, God will do the rest.'
What is it we seek? Holiness! For us to become holy, to find this treasure, we don't have to go far. We just have to accept in each moment His will and renounce our own, all for His glory! This should be easy if we say we believe that God is our Father. Because, then we trust that He will take care of us as a good father would. Now, if in each moment you are doing the will of God with a grateful heart, even if you are sweeping the floor or waiting in a very long line, then holiness is yours. 'What God arranges for us to experience at each moment is the best and holiest thing that could happen to us.'
This last part I absolutely love. I have been trying more and more to enter into each moment imagining it is the holiest moment of my life. This has brought me so much joy in many occasions, especially when I was struggling to maintain focus or enduring some difficulty. Notice from 1 John 2:17, that the world, or any pleasures, will not remain. These things only want to distract you by attempting to make you comfortable. Just reading Acts of the Apostles, and any of the New Testament letters will quickly convince you that the early Apostles and Christians did not seek comfort, but sought to do the will of God. This often led them to suffering. How else shall we be purified by our God who is a consuming fire, if not through suffering? By accepting all that happens to us, trusting in His Holy design and permitting Him to use us as He wills all for His glory, we shall remain forever.
May you be blessed by this song from Matt Maher which the group of missionaries from St. Ignatius in Mobile introduced to me: