Gloria a Dios! Feliz Navidad!
I am doing it. I am finally getting out my first blog. I am going to stop being so perfectionist and just put out an entry.
To everyone in Family Missions Company, and all my benefactors and all my friends and family:
Peace of Christ, through our Blessed Mother, be with all of you! Thank you for your awesome prayers and support! May God bless you and your family!
All glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit! Our dear Savior has been born. As the Son of God came to us born of a virgin, poor and helpless, dependent on the care of his earthly mother, we too are called to a new birth: "born of God", through the waters of Baptism and the womb of the Church. Born into the new life, we are also infants, and children. We need to accept that this is a stage in the new life that we must go through. If our God humbles Himself to take on human weakness and all its limitations, without sin, who are we to believe that we can bypass this necessary stage of our new life in Christ: where we are to "grow and become strong, and advance in wisdom and age and favor before God and man" (see Lk. 2:39-52). Jesus calls us to be like children. In Mt. 18:3, He says, "Amen I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Like a child is completely dependent on his parents for his safety, nourishment and upright teaching before God, etc., we who are adopted sons and daughters of God must depend on and trust in our Heavenly Father. For what father "would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread?... how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him: (see Mt. 7:9-11). He knows what we need. Why are we so anxious? We just have to come to Him, in filial trust and obedience, in Him whom we believe though we do not see, and ask because He only wants good things for us. Why can it be so hard to let Him take care of us?
I know for me I struggle with letting Him take care of me. Every day is a challenge to take one more step towards Him, but "He must increase, I must decrease" (Jn. 3:30). So often I feel a reluctance to reach out to someone in need. There is this sense of inconvenience and selfishness. I should carry Christ into every situation. I am not just responsible for evangelizing those particular to my mission. Every moment should be built upon His love: that love which "covers a multitude of sins". John Paul II expresses that every person has a right to the Gospel. This is their right to Life: the Way, and the Truth, and the Life! If we are not bringing Life, what are we bringing? I desire to be more like our Blessed Mother who brings Jesus to her cousin Elizabeth. He is the gift and through Him, with Him and in Him we have the most intimate relationship with our family, friends and even strangers. Praise God! Thank you for being a God of mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner!
Tu corazon yo quiero ver.
Ven con tu gloria.
Fuego de Dios, fuego de Dios consumenos.
Please pray for me and all of our missionaries with FMC. Visit our website at and read other missionaries' blogs. They are so awesome!